Saturday, January 9, 2010

Saturday on the Road to Atovalo

We left the hotel this morning around 8 o´clock for a relaxing, albeit lengthy, day of just being tourists. We traveled about 1 hour until we reached our first stop....the equator!!!!
As I straddled the Equator, a line that is created with stones after much Scientific research into it´s exact location, I got a big laugh out of being in the northern and southern hemisphere at the same time. LOL

Later we were allowed into the home of one of the indigenous ladies to take a bathroom break and to admire her hand made jewelry and her husband´s wooden sculptures....really pretty. I ended up buying a lovely beaded bracelet and necklace for the grand total of $5. This fact brings me to another observation about Ecuador...they use American currency interchangeably with their own. Also, their cost of living is so cheap that they will not be able to accept or make change for a $20 bill!!!! Remarkable. The paradox is, and believe me when I say this country is full of paradoxes, the ATM´s only dispense twenty dollar bills. Wow!

I should mention that her lovely bathroom had a marble tub, stone floor, a German made toilet, and American soap products. A Micky Mouse towel hung by the sink.

We gave a couple of young girls a ride on our van to Atovalo. As they rode with us, wearing the indigenous clothing consisting of white blouse with floral embroidery and black hats and shawls...long black skirts, they sang songs of their people. Was I in Heaven or what question mark. Sorry, but the keys are very different on these computers and I haven´t figured out where the question mark is yet.

We also bought some beautiful hand made alpaca scarves from the girls for $3 a piece!

We finally arrived in the incredible market town of Atovalo where a shopper can browse through winding alley ways replete with hand made sweaters, scarves, hand bags, toys, musical instruments, street vendors. I was interested in finding hand made Ecuadorean sweaters for Ukiah and Anahli! Such a fun experience bargaining in Spanish. I made one vendor so angry that he asked me if I was from Israel....Take that any way you want to. I was insulted on behalf of the entire Jewish race and refused to buy anything from him!

Other vendors were quite fun about the bargaining process and Meredith, especially, had a field day. Her purchases are a surprise, though.

We had a wonderful lunch in the nearby Cotochoco or Leather Town. This place is famous for its local, hand made leather items. I found a leather backpack for $24 in cash! I wish I could have had more time to buy these beautiful and very affordable leather crafted goods.

Well, time for dinner! Hasta Manana....Wish I could download my I phone pics to this computer.

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