Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 4 Live in the Moment

We arrived at Center 2 and were greeted in the usual warm and loving way. Today I continued work on the mural and (I must say) my little Ecuadorean princess is looking much better now that she has her mocha colored face, brown-black eyes, and black hair. I'm loving this....
Estoy tan feliz!

Later I found myself in the garden weeding the Ecuadorean way. This means using NO LAWN MOWER or other fancy tools. We cut the grass with very dull hedge clippers and placed the cuttings in a potato bag. Some of the locals volunteered as well and I was surprised to see a grandmother with a baby wrapped in a shawl on her back chopping weeds with us. She was obviously one of the Indigenous Indian looking ladies of Calderon.

Observation: The folks of Calderon do not like to have their photos taken....something about taking their spirit away from them. I've also found this to be true with some of the native American Indian tribes.

We walked to lunch through the streets of Calderon and through the outdoor market.

Observation: Food is locally grown, very fresh, and there is a large variety given to their wonderful year round growing climate. At 10,000 feet altitude the days are warm(70 degrees) and the nights are a refeshing 55-60 degrees.

Many more observations, but I will post them later as I can. It's time for breakfast of fresh fruit, cheese, bread and very strong coffee!

hasta luega!

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