Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 3 Don't Hide Your Light Under a Bushel

This post will probably seem like a stream of consciousness list of observations. Each moment has been packed with new discoveries and I feel much like a young child who is trying to learn proper customs and a new language!

Also, computers and electricity rather come and go in this land so the very act of blogging has been a challenge....Here goes and I write about Wednesday even though it's Friday. I'm on Ecuador time as they say.

I continued to work on my mural at the center. The fact that I'm not an artist seems not to concern the other volunteers, but I have discovered that painting, like singing, puts one's ego on the clothes line for all to see. The art is relaxing as i paint standing in Equatorial sunlight with 72 degree breezes blowing through my hair and the song of exotic birds wafting through my window. I am very happy.....Es toy tan feliz!

In the afternoon, I was asked to lead some American folk songs for the entire school. Aha! Now I'm in my element. The children and "tias" circled around and I led them through Ring Around the Rosie, Row your Boat, If You're Happy and you Know it. They actually know and sing these same songs in Spanish! I then got a translator who helped while I told the children the story of the Wild bird followed by the game and song. This was a hit with the Ecuadorean children just as it has been with my American students.

Observation....people around the world are more alike than different.

In the afternoon, Meredith and I ventured to a coffee shop where we tried to order skinny cappachinos....very funny.

Observation: There are very few English speaking folk in Quito or Calderon and they really try to understand, but are obviously amused in a friendly way. I must learn Spanish...Debo aprender espanol!

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