Monday, January 11, 2010

Observations about Ecuadorean culture after a single week

Images of the Orchid garden in the Mindo Cloud Forest Preserve

The Ecuadorean people are absolutely beautiful! Even though they eat a diet very rich in rice, potatoes, corn, and legumes, they are trim. They take great pride in their appearance, and cleanliness is paramount. Some resemble Spaniards, some resemble indigenous Amerindians. 3% are black. Most are short with lovely medium brown skin and striking brown- black eyes...thick black, shiny hair.

Ecuador uses American currency interchangeable with their own. It´s very common to get change consisting of American quarters or dimes mixed with Ecuadoran dollar coins. Twenty dollar bills are almost impossible to change and they much prefer five and ten dollar bills. This is a reflection of the extremely low cost of living here.

Driving in Ecuador is insane. Even though there are highway lines, most people seem to ignore them. While in the bus to our many day trips, we noticed that vehicles often passed 6 other vehicles in pairs while on very winding two lane highways. Yikes!

Taxi drivers will drive around without a clue as to where they are supposed to take a patron, often asking directions from fellow cab drivers on the road.

Quito has rolling black outs every day across the city....electricity is rationed. Internet service is sporadic because so many people are trying to tax the system at once. This accounts for my difficulty in using my blog!

The sewer system is very fragile and we are not allowed to put toilet paper in any of the toilets in this country!

Most houses are behind walls for safety. Houses are built of cinder blocks reinforced with rebar and then overlaid with plaster. Many walls are covered with graffiti.

Crime, particularly robbery, is rampant.

Hot water comes and goes....mostly goes!

No one speaks English!!!!! They are very tolerant of Americans who try to speak Spanish though.

We have seen almost NO Americans since arriving a week ago.

Many more observations, but I thought these would interest you, my friends.

Wish I had more time to insert Spanish, but I never know when the internet is going to crash!!!!!

Hasta Manana!

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