Friday, January 15, 2010

Our final day at the center- very emotional

Buenos Dias Mi Amigas and Amigos!

Sadly, today was our last day with the beautiful tias and niños of Calderon. The nuevo volunteers used our bus ride over in the morning to rehearse a traditional Spanish folk song ¨De Colores¨ which we planned to sing as our part of the fiesta in our honor. In my role as default music director, I copied the song from the internet that I had also taught to many of my music students through the years. As we sang, several of the ladies harmonized to the Spanish melody and the effect was really quite lovely!

When we arrived at the center, the tias were preparing a feast for us....and I do mean traditional Ecuadorean feast replete with corn on the cob, fava beans, tomatoes, two kinds of potatoes, sopa or soup, fried chicken, fried pork chop, fried corn that is unlike popcorn, but tastes similar. THANKFULLY, THERE WAS NO RICE IN SIGHT!!!!

Around 10 o´clock the children put on traditional Ecuadorean clothing that they actually wear for traditional holidays. I will post photos as soon as I am able because these are priceless. The children and tias had rehearsed traditional dances all week to surprise us on our last day. It was a tearful and memorable performance by these lovely little ones. I will never forget how earnestly they maneuvered through traditional dance steps. The 5 year old group performed an especially difficult dance that was very impressive. The dances are often performed in their every day life because music and dance is infused in Ecuadorean culture.

Costumes were hand made embroidery and lace with the black hats, shawls. Boys wore the gauchos and hats and shawls! Can´t wait for you to see the pics.

Our group of volunteers had made paper mache maracas earlier in the week and we played these as we sang our song about all of the colors of the rainbow....all of the colors of the world.
The children were mesmerized that we sang to them with such beauty in their native tongue.

Later the tias and other local volunteers invited us, the American volunteers to dance with them. Delightful display of solidarity, mutual respect, and abiding friendship.

I´m going to meet Gene at another hotel where we will embark on yet another adventure....THE GALAPAGOS! Many photos of the gorgeous islands to follow!

Buenos Noches!

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