Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Imagine a trip back to the time of the British, French, Dutch, and Belgium colonization of parts of Africa.  And yes, it was a dual path that led the continent of Africa down the road to modernization and perdition.  Indeed the continent of Africa was sliced and diced like a freshly slaughtered cow among the European powers.  Zambia was colonized by the British under the auspices of the British South Africa Company which showed little interest in the province beyond a source of labor.  Our first night in the country of Zambia was spent in the Royal Livingstone Hotel located in the heart of Mosi-os-Tunya National Park and a stone's throw from the famous Victoria Falls of the Zambezi River.

The Royal Livingstone Hotel

The Royal Livingstone was built in the style of the British colonial southern Africa, complete with whirring ceiling fans, tile floors, English antiques, and English gardens.  It was a beautiful place, but the highlight of our first day/night in Zambia proved to be the luxurious, vintage ride on the 1920's steam train called, not surprisingly, The Royal Livingstone!  The train, like the hotel was named for the famous British missionary with the British Missionary Society,  Dr. David Livingstone who was also an explorer of Africa.

The elegant dining cars complete with crystal and China

 Our 16 mile journey took place at sunset and took us through the bushveld as we ate a five course dinner and met some really wonderful people who would be joining us on this safari of a lifetime.  The train stopped as it was passing over a trestle above the Zambezi River just as the sun was setting.

Sunset over the Zambezi River

Stork in silhouette of sunset on the Zambezi

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