Tuesday, January 15, 2019


common area of the camp
After a short flight in a bush plane to Makagadikgadi Pans National Park, we drove to Camp Kalahari, and what was to be my favorite part of our African adventure.  The camp boasts no electricity, although they did install solar batteries to recharge our cameras (and one gentleman's hearing aids).  Our tent, and it was a tree house tent, rested about 15 feet above the dry ground and afforded a vast view of the surrounding brush and desert.  At night we raised the flaps and had a gentle breeze as we slept amid the night noises of elephants foraging through the brush.  The entire camp felt like a voyage back to a much simpler time in Africa.  The soft glow from kerosene lanterns lent an air of mystery and "real camping."

Lunch at camp
double sinks in a tent bathroom?
This guy was our dinner guest at each meal
old fashioned iron bed with mosquito canopy in a tent?
The amazing dinners at this very primitive camp
Our receiving line when being introduced to the San Bushmen
Tribal woman digging for herbs
Note that the children are dressed in western garb while parents wear traditional clothes

Making a fire by rubbing sticks together
I will always remember the very strange and uncomfortable mood among the Americans on our trip as we were introduced to the indigenous tribe of the area.  Several of the women were bare breasted and I'm sure that was the first encounter most of us had had with being introduced to topless strangers who were merely wearing their native dress.  Hilarious to watch the men among us.
placing a scorpion in his mouth

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