Saturday, January 26, 2019


This morning, after a delicious breakfast by campfire out in the salt pans followed by an exhilarating ATV drive back to the jeeps at the edge of the pans, we left the great adventure of Botswana (my favorite trip to date) and flew back to "civilization."  Destination, the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa.  We stayed at the ONE AND ONLY CAPE TOWN HOTEL located on the waterfront and surrounded by the view of Table Mountain.  

statue of Nelson Mandella District Six Museum

The next morning we took a stroll through the lush gardens and arboretum of De Waal Park in the heart of the city.
ancient Banyan tree in the park

Table Mountain

view of Table Mountain

The area known as the Malay Quarter is built against the steep slopes of Signal Hill.  It is one of the oldest parts of Cape Town, and is one of the few to have retained some of its historical character.  It originated during the third quarter of the 18th century.  The first houses in this neighborhood were probably built in 1790 but between 1795 and 1820 and increasing number of lower income families including many artisans began to make their homes here.  The influx of Malays into this quarter probably began in the 1830's when slavery was abolished and Malay residents who had been forcibly brought to the Cape began to make their homes there, and by the middle of the 19th century it was already known as the Slamse Beurt, or the Islamic Quarter. It owes much of its character to the nature of its domestic architecture, mostly single story houses with flat roofs painted in a variety of pastel colors.  The Quarter was probably a major factor why the Cape Malay community managed to retain its identity as a group.  Unfortunately the quality of its environment began to deteriorate after WW1.  In 1944 it was declared a slum.  This led a number of prominent Cape Town citizens to form a group for the retentio of the Malay Quarter with the support of both the then Historical Monuments Commission as well as the City Council.  It was declared a National Monument in 1966.


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