Saturday, January 26, 2019

Botswana: Belmond Eagle Island Camp in the heart of Okavango Delta

We took a short bush plane ride deeper into the Okavango Delta, the Belmond Eagle Camp and what a spectacular area this was.  Many travel blogs have said that this is the place to see the most stunning sunsets on the planet.  I believe this may be true.  Upon arrival, we were taken out in dugout canoes through the shallow areas of the wetlands.  My memory of this is that is was the most peaceful I had felt in many days.  Zen is the word that comes to mind.  The only sounds were the gentle silvery splash of water as the guide dipped the oar to the bottom to push the boat through the grassy wetland.  The sun shining and the bird population were absolutely magical to behold.

dugout canoe rides through the wetland shallows

Great Egret

African Darter

Great White Pelican

The Okavango Delta is a vast inland river delta in northern Botswana, most known for its sprawling grassy plains.  These flood seasonally, becoming a lush animal habitat.  The Moremi Game Reserve occupies the east and central areas of the region.  

Hippos, crocodiles, elephants, roam these waters as lions, leopards, giraffes and rhinos, and monkeys are drawn to the richness of the food supply during the wet season.

The beautiful African sunset from the deck of the camp

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