Tuesday, January 21, 2020

ADRIATIC TREASURES: Krka National Park, Roca, a Mock Wedding and Traditional Wedding Feast

The following morning we drove out to the Krka National Park, an hour south of Split. For over 1.5 hours we walked this lovely national park on a glorious day. Many boardwalks in the park cross streams and around small waterfalls. It was cool but sunny and a delightful morning of exercise and getting away from numerous tourists, although it became hectic around 11.30 am when we departed.  I will say that after spending so much time in the cities among monuments, tourists, and ancient architecture, Krka was a memorable highlight for me.  The place is magical...Zen!

One of many water falls in this park

Fish swimming in the reflection of the trees
Curious mallard

We had a cruise across a lovely lake before driving on to Stankovci and a pig farm with the biggest pigs in Croatia. They also grow olives and grapes. Several people put on a mock Croat wedding for us, while a funny local male guide interpreted what was going. He had us highly amused. About 12 locals were involved and the fun went on for about 30 minutes. At times it was pretty "avant garde"!
After it concluded, we went inside the house of Roca and Dalmatian hams and into a huge dining room where, along with many other visitors, we enjoyed a superb lunch of local foods.

The members of the mock traditional Croatian wedding

At 2pm we departed by coach for Split, passing via the back of Trogir on the way. The view from up on the coastal mountains was quite spectacular. The small Split airport terminal has been rebuilt and re-opened only three months ago. It is of very modern architecture. We waited for an hour for our flight and at 4.20pm we boarded a Bombardier twin prop 'plane for the 40 minutes flight up to Zagreb. Around 6.30pm we arrived at the lovely Esplanade Hotel in Zagreb for two nights.

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