Monday, January 13, 2020


We boarded the cable car to ride o the top of Srd Hill for spectacular bird eye views of Dubrovnik!
View from the ascending gondola

These walls date back to the 10th century

After the trip to the top of the hill, the group toured the city together.  Gene and I saw the same sights that we had explored on our own the day before. 

After touring the historical old city of Dubrovnik, we had lunch with a couple of new friends at "the best pizza parlor" in Dubrovnik.  The Italians have a strong influence in this area because of their proximity and because of the once dominant Venetian Empire.  The pizza was delicious and every bit as wonderful as pizza in Tuscany, Florence, or Rome. 

Next was our opportunity to see old town Dubrovnik from the Adriatic coast where we saw many locals attempting to jump from the rocky ledges above the sea into the pristine water.

Next on the agenda was a wine tasting at the award winning Karaman Winery followed by a short trip to watch a local artist who demonstrated the traditional silk making process.  Fascinating!

Silk worms

This is the silk spun from the worms

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