Thursday, October 13, 2011

Uphill trek continues toward Llactapata pass and Machu Picchu

Wild orchids abound! What a beautiful land!

Distant view of Machu Picchu!

We have an early morning grueling uphill trek for about 3 hours en route to Llactapata pass (elevation 8,900 ft) where the climb culminates in a rare and distant view of Machu Pichchu from the southwest (a view not often seen by tourists). We find a thatch covered shelter where we have a lunch of river trout and passion fruit!

A lovely (wild) white horse is ahead of us, quietly and persistently leading us down our path. She seems like the elusive unicorn and I've nicknamed her UNI!

Our room at Aguas Calientes (the village and market town that is closest to Machu Picchu! The rooms were absolutely lovely and I must say that Gene and I enjoyed dickering with the local market vendors as we bargained for trinkets to bring back to the "kids."

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