Monday, October 10, 2011

Salkantay Lodge and the 4 hour hike up to the glacier lake

The hike to the lake (starting at 12, 500 ft altitude) was exhilarating and more than I could handle with my altitude sickness. For most of the climb, I rode a lovely little white horse who was amazingly sure-footed (for a horse). Once I turned my fate over to equine savior and learned to not look into the sheer drop-offs, I began to enjoy myself immensely. In fact, I reached the summit ahead of everyone else making me feel as though I were the only human on top of this mystical world above the clouds. Loved it!

The gorgeous turquoise glacial lake which, by the way, several of the most daring among our little tribe, dove in and swam VERY briefly. Gene got his ankles wet!!!

A mating pair of Condor flying above the trail!

A rest stop dwelling (local farm hut). This evening after David's lecture, we had a demonstration of the proper way to make a Pisco. Gene was the volunteer guinea pig. He didn't know how to separate the yolk from the egg white! Wow!

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