Monday, October 10, 2011

Cusco to Salkantay Lodge 12,500 ft. elevation

We were picked up from our lodgings at 7:00 am and met our first fellow travelers on the trek adventure, two very witty Australians who hailed from the province of Taizmainia!

En route we saw some Inca ruins at Limatambo and then took a short break at the mountain village of Mollepata where we drank cocoa tea and saw the guinea pigs in the nearby pen being fattened up for someone's dinner!

Then we ascended a very steep and winding mountain road to Marcocasa where the trek to Soraypampa began. The trail was an ancient route called "Camino Real" or Royal Path.

David' (pronounced with the emphasis on the second syllable) was our guide. He is a descendant of the Inca people and very knowledgeable. Sidebar: 60% of Peru is rain forest. 80% of the population lives along the coast. Peru has 80% of the micro climates of the world; 1800 bird species; and 3,000 rivers that start in the mesa and flow through the rain forests to converge in the mighty Amazon River (largest in the world).

Getting the first glimpse of our isolated mountain lodge in the shadows of the Andes was a welcome sight. This is the view of the glacier from our lodge window!

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