Monday, September 13, 2010

Day 7 Balloon ride over Serengeti plain/ migration camp

IF you have never seen the world from the floating basket of a hot air balloon, you've missed out on one of life's simple pleasures, particularly if you've been riding over life's bumpiest dirt roads for a week. What a soothing respite to drift high above the plain with the the ghost of a fading full moon on the west and the birth of a blazing African sunrise on the east! Very dreamlike, very surreal.

The ride lasted a fleeting 60 minutes, but was followed by a traditional English breakfast in the bush. Yes, this was very "tourista," but gave us the unique perspective of seeing the hoards of hippo, zebra, wildebeest from above.

I don't know if the animals are getting closer to us or if Gene's photography is improving, but we got some terrific animal shots as we headed far off to the Migration Camp in Serengeti.

Photos: Breakfast in the bush, jackal, monkey who stole Gene's bread off his dinner plate, our tent at Migration Camp, warthog kneeling to eat, bloody lion who just finished breakfast, buzzards in love, hungry hippo.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos and floating in a balloon
    what a lovely view...

    I found out that riding a horse carriage in downtown Charleston SC provided a different view than walking on the sidewalk or driving in a car.. a much better vantage.. so I am certain the baloon ride was very good too and didn't startle the animals as a helicopter ride would have done.

    And a ride at dawn... even better and calmer wind conditions...

    again amazing photos...
